Save Our Libraries

Independent candidate, Richard HYLAND, speaking at Essex County Council Extraordinary Meeting on Library Consultation 12th March 2019, says

“It seems, to me, incredibly short-sighted of Essex County Council to set out on this path of destruction of Essex Libraries…”

HYLAND March 2019

“It seems, to me, incredibly short-sighted of Essex County Council to set out on this path of destruction of Essex Libraries.

Speaking truth to Power

I hope, the public response to the planned cuts and the library consultation, has provided you with the compelling message, of both the popularity of public libraries and their impact on wider social issues including health and well being, education, poverty, loneliness and digital skills.

I hope, having undertaken this latest public consultation, it has given you a refreshing insight, to the value placed in libraries by residents.

And I hope, you are now willing and able, to take this opportunity to change direction, act in the public interest, use your duty of care to avoid perpetuating this public fear, division and discord, that has sought to set communities against each other to battle for resources.

Essex County Council must STOP the Library Services cuts now and budget/move monies from contingency and turn their minds to creating a long-term sustainable funding plan for libraries.

If you thought extra funding was required, on top of the taxes we already pay for these our Library Services, you should consider raising taxes to bring a sustainable outcome, and let residents know at what cost this would this be per person/per household in tax increases.

Once again, we see the out of touch Tories at Essex County Council, who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

So, I would like to ask, Essex County Council to provide to me and the residents of Essex a verifiable full cost benefit, and wider impact analysis of options, including to remain as-is?