About: Independent Influence

“There are many small changes that can bring great benefit to Chelmsford to serve residents in the City we will all benefit.
A new MP is one of them.”

Richard Hyland, Independent for CHELMSFORD

I am often asked what an independent can do as part of an opposition, my response is to work harder, influence outcomes for residents benefit and hold decision makers to account.

I don’t often talk about things I have done. As those helped know and to me doing is more important than talking about doing. But given the recent party candidates narrative I thought, I ought to respond to it, with my recollection of my term in office representing you.

Since May 2019 when residents of Galleywood, Chelmsford who for the City seat choose Richard HYLAND to represent them on the City council as one of 57 Councillors, the range of activities  I have undertaken includes attending and contributing to more meetings and training courses.

As an opposition Councillor, Cllr HYLAND was part of influencing housing policy,

  • demanding Genuinely Affordable Homes to be prioritised,
  • recommending purchases of family homes to help unlock the accommodation supply, as overcrowded families moved out of 1/2 bedroom accommodation, this made available homes for those on housing waiting list and homeless
  • actively working with Streetlink to bring homeless into contact with service providers

As an opposition Councillor, Cllr HYLAND helped to produce alternative budget solutions, including

  • opposing Hylands Park Parking Charge
  • removing tax increases on residents, cremations, and children’s 3-foot festival
  • using CCLA monies tied up in investments to provide services
  • seeking investment in a Youth Zone provision

As an opposition Councillor, Cllr HYLAND brought substantive motions underpinning Council contracts full scrutiny

  • Signing the Charter for Modern Day Slavery, engaging with all groups of Councillors to get unanimous support.
  • Signing of the Fair Tax Charter, influencing the majority, to become the 26th UK Council to be an example of good tax conduct and encourage businesses it deals with to have good tax practices.


As an opposition Councillor, Cllr HYLAND also worked to save lives by raising

  • knife crime awareness and prevention strategies locally and nationally with Julie Taylor, bleed bags initiative
  • defibrillator installations that have saved lives
  • attention to service providers of the risks brought to residents living in unsuitable or unfit for habitation properties.
  • Supporting families,
  • moving vulnerable individuals into care,
  • moving families into fit for purpose homes,
  • raising concerns with registered housing providers and regularly reviewing progress and process blockers,
  • involving necessary professionals to deliver appropriate outcomes.

As an opposition Councillor, Cllr HYLAND during pandemic, helped to setup Galleywood Volunteer group

  • to do welfare checks
  • to collect and deliver prescription medicines during lockdown, and continued support of most vulnerable currently.
  • to co-ordinate Galleywood street volunteers in supporting neighbours with isolation phone calls, shopping, odd jobs and befriending support
  • to initiate and support similar groups in Great Baddow, Moulsham Lodge and Tile Kiln to support their residents.

Reflecting on above, I don’t think it can fairly be said I have not put in any effort. I don’t think I have not put my feet up on the desk, as the leader of the largest opposition party told me, “we are simply waiting for residents to come to their senses and return us to our rightful position in future elections”.

I also don’t think it could fairly be said I have simply occupied a seat, like some have the past 5yrs, with from the outset, a plan to do little or nothing to help those that elected them.

Across the country Independents are giving people reasons to consider abandoning their previously held views that ‘this party’ is better than ‘that party’ and realising that somebody who lives locally, who is their neighbour, and who feels the same impact you do, of decisions made by their city council, would be the best person to represent your views.

Independents in my view are about

Restoring Trust

Refreshing Hope

Removing Inaction

Reducing Need

Remove Party Politics