Richard HYLAND – Independent Candidate for Chelmsford MP

Independent. Involved. InListeningMode.

To the residents of Chelmsford who vote for any of the political parties, we want to ask you, SPEAK to us, YOU WILL BE HEARD and we will LISTEN to what you want here in Chelmsford.

We will continue to LISTEN, ensure RESIDENTS WILL BE HEARD and I have SERVED, not SHORT CHANGED residents.



Vote INDEPENDENT for Chelmsford


It is Time for Change at Westminster
for Chelmsford residents

While out of touch Tory and Liberal Councillors in Chelmsford City Council are implementing ideological harmful Tory-led Government cuts, Independent Richard Hyland has been working hard to bring your voice to the table to ensure we have Transparent, Open and Honest Outcomes being achieved.

“There are many small changes that can bring great benefit to Chelmsford to serve residents in the City we will all benefit.
A new MP is one of them.”

Independents for CHELMSFORD

Created by Richard Hyland at 27 Ketleys,Galleywood,Chelmsford CM2 8YL