Policy Proposals

Not a Manifesto – Your Views Matter More – Download here

Promoted by and on behalf of Richard Hyland, 27 Ketleys, Galleywood, Chelmsford CM2 8YL

For the Residents of Chelmsford
Politics without Parties

Hello, my name is Richard HYLAND, and I am standing as an Independent candidate for Member of Parliament representing Chelmsford in the General Election this JULY 4th, offering an option for YOU to choose NONE of the parties.

Independents are people who are elected to positions and who are free from the control of any political party, pressure group or whip. The aims of the Independent Network are to establish a clear recognisable identity for Independents, publicise this identity and to help Independents get elected.

There are many small changes that can bring great benefit to Chelmsford to serve residents in the City we will all benefit. A new MP is one of them.

Why Choose Me
Community First
I will focus on championing our communities and ensuring proper funding for our services, dealing with infrastructure and housing issues, helping local businesses grow, and securing funds our health and adult care services we so desperately need .

Genuine Consultation

Independent Richard Hyland will continue working hard to bring your voice to the table to ensure we have Transparent, Open and Honest Outcomes being achieved.

Your Voice in the room

Transformational change comes when politics is pulled up by its roots. History is written around turning points, where we stand up and say, no more. Where we stand up and we say, we want better outcomes, we want fairer ways forward, we want a chance to succeed, an opportunity to prosper and a common understanding of safe local governance back in the hands of residents, serving their priorities.

Our Initial Plans
Genuinely Affordable Homes
– Restore Council House building programmes
– Suspend Right to Buy for 10 years
– Cooperative developers, not for profits, 35% market homes
City Devolution Deal
– Advocate for fully funded statutory duties by national government
– Developers Charter to secure home building, brownfield first. local and demand led
Resident not Party led
– Vision and values to be built and based on local people
– Listening to and setting local priorities Answering to locals

Transforming Public Services
– NHS, Social Care and Social Services working as one for better patient outcome.
– Emergency services restored to doing their primary activity.
– Working co-operatively to secure best outcomes for residents

As a candidate running for Chelmsford MP, I am committed to making Chelmsford a better place to live, work, and raise a family. This policy suggestions document outlines my vision for the city and the outcomes I would seek to achieve. However, Chelmsford residents will determine my priorities.
1. Affordable Housing: We recognize the urgent need for affordable housing in Chelmsford. We will work with developers and housing associations to provide more affordable housing options for residents.
2. Green Spaces: We believe that access to green spaces is essential for the well-being of our community. We will work to preserve and enhance our parks, open spaces, and public gardens.
3. Public Transport: We will work to improve public transport infrastructure to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly travel options for residents. We will also work to increase the availability of cycle lanes and pedestrian walkways.
4. Education: We recognize the importance of education in our community. We will work to ensure that all schools in Chelmsford receive the necessary funding and resources to provide an excellent education for our children.
5. Economy: We will work to promote economic growth in Chelmsford, supporting local businesses and attracting new ones to the city. We will also work to create more job opportunities for residents.
6. Community: We believe that a strong community is essential for the well-being of our city. We will work to create more opportunities for residents to come together, including events, festivals, and community projects.
7. Accessibility: We recognise that accessibility is important for all residents, regardless of age or ability. We will work to improve accessibility in public buildings, sidewalks, and other public areas.
8. Safety: We believe that all residents should feel safe in their community. We will work with the police and other organizations to reduce crime and ensure that residents feel secure.

I believe that Chelmsford has the potential to be a great city. With your support, we can make these outcomes a reality. I am committed to working hard for you and making Chelmsford the best place to live, work, and raise a family.


Richard Hyland
MP Candidate for Chelmsford
Independent Network
